Tuesday, March 11, 2014

IRB stuff

Purpose of the research study: The biggest barrier to the independence of the visually impaired is often the problem of mobility. Mobility training is difficult and intimidating.
The project uses publicly available 3D models of buildings, towns and cities to automatically generate audio-based “maps” for the blind. The visually impaired can then use these “maps” to explore environments virtually. These “maps” use 3D audio and text-to-speech to convey information to the user.  With this software, users become accustomed to the layout of the environment and memorize routes they can use in real-world navigation. While this technology is most beneficial to the visually impaired, this study is also open to sighted individuals.
These maps can offer varying level of detail; the purpose of this study is to discover whether or not more detailed audio information leads to better recall of layouts and routing.

What you will do in the study: Using an Android tablet and headphones, you will explore a 3D audio environment for a limited amount of time. To encourage focus, you will be blindfolded while exploring. After a tutorial, you will be expected to explore independently. When the time limit has passed, you will be asked a series of questions about the environment you explored.

Time required: One to two hours continuously.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Design: Functional Modules

Functional Modules

Knows about: Player, input manager, move manager, query manager
→ Receives sanitized, platform-agnostic input from input manager
→ Makes appropriate calls to query/move manager

Movement Manager
Knows about: Player, Room
→ Collisions/Bounds
→ Movement w/ wall-following (auto-correction)
→ Turning
→ Forward movement
→ Makes calls to produce footsteps & collision noises
→ Handles exceptional movement (e.g. steps, elevators, room-to-room via doors)

Knows about: Player, room
→Makes call for Sonar
→ Makes calls for Reverb
→ “nearby” queries (left/right/front) (also as TTS)
→ Semantic info (TTS)
→ Later: makes calls to routing

Knows about: OpenAL
  • OpenAL info (Listener position)
→ Sets and updates OpenAL info
→ Produces 3D sound
→ Produces “Sonar”
→ Produces Reverb

Design: Object Classes

Object Classes

Player (Global Singleton)
  • Room
  • Position
  • Orientation (e.g., 90 degrees, relative to North)
  • Preferences (height, stride length)

  • Entrances/Exits (and associated “starting positions”)
  • Polygon representing room bounds
  • Walls
  • Floor (material)
  • Dimensions
  • Stray Objects (furniture, etc.)
  • Room name
  • Purpose (semantic info)
  • Parent building
→ Given collision coordinates, returns object collided w/
→ Given step/query coordinates, returns object queried

Building is a Room
  • Entrance/exits
  • Exterior walls
  • Rooms
  • Name
  • Type/purpose (semantic info)
  • Environment (exterior)
  • Lat/Long

Wall - - Mimic tree structure of gml
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Angle (relative to North)
  • Adjacent rooms (N/S or E/W)
  • Material (wood, brick, etc.)
  • Color
→ Produce angle

  • Material
  • Type (sliding door, automatic door, etc.)
  • Adjacent rooms

StrayObject (furniture, computer terminals, etc.)
  • Description
  • Position